Photo of Caroline at Fleur Provocateur

A New Chapter: The Journey of the Fleur Provocateur Rebrand

March 28, 2024

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Caroline & Antonia x

As we stand on the cusp of a new wedding season, we are thrilled to unveil a chapter in the story of Fleur Provocateur. Our journey of growth and evolution had led us to outgrow our old branding, paving the way for a fresh identity that encapsulates the essence of Fleur Provocateur.

At the heart of our rebranding journey is the exceptional talent of Dorset-based Louise from The Autumn Rabbit. With her exquisite eye for design and unwavering dedication to craftsmanship, Louise has guided us through the intricate process of redefining our brand identity. Her innovative approach, coupled with a deep understanding of our aesthetic, has resulted in a visual language that speaks volumes of elegance and sophistication. Aside from her creativity and ingenuity, Louise’s impeccable systems and processes have ensured that every aspect of our journey flowed seamlessly, making the experience both enriching and rewarding.

One of the defining features of our new branding is the shadow style background—a nod to the abundant foliage and dappled light that inspire our creations. This inspired idea, born from Louise’s creative genius, serves as a captivating backdrop, inviting you into a world of timeless beauty and natural allure. 

In the realm of storytelling, we were fortunate to collaborate with the talented Jen from Jackdaw Editorial. With her gift for words, Jen has breathed life into our brand narrative, weaving together tales of romance and enchantment.

It was deemed that a personal branding shoot was necessary—a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and moments of sheer terror. Behind the lens was our dear friend, Sophia from Sophia Veres Photography. Despite the challenges posed by very demanding clients, Sophia’s warmth, professionalism, and unwavering patience ensured that every moment was captured with grace and elegance (if not totally contrived!). We are immensely grateful to Sophia for her talent, her friendship, and her ability to make us feel at ease even in the most trying of circumstances.

Caroline & Antonia of Fleur Provocateur

Sophia Veres Photography

No transformation would be complete without a touch of glamour, courtesy of the talented Hollie Danby, esteemed Dorset hair and makeup artist. Not only is Hollie the master of the mascara, she is an skincare guru, hype woman, spontaneous stylist and great DJ. 

The backdrop for our personal branding shoot was none other than the breathtaking Came House, graciously provided by the lovely Rags and George at Came House, coordinated by Bellisimo Weddings

As we look to the future, we are excited to embark on a secret project in collaboration with the Hampshire-based paper artisans at The Liquorice Press—a venture that promises to delight the senses.

And finally, we extend our deepest gratitude to EM Prints in Glastonbury, whose craftsmanship transformed our Luton van into a mobile masterpiece. 

In closing, we extend our deepest gratitude to our clients—past, present, and future—for entrusting us with their dreams, their visions, and their special moments. Your unwavering support and faith in our artistry have fuelled our passion and inspired us to reach new heights. As we embark on this exhilarating new chapter, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for what the future holds.

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