Amidst the serene backdrop of Dorset, the enchanting union of K & T unfolded with timeless elegance, created by Dorset wedding florists, Fleur Provocateur. This exquisite wedding, meticulously orchestrated by Danielle of Bellisimo Weddings, embraced a soft white and green theme, transforming a rainy July day into a celebration of love and beauty.
The ceremony took place at the historic Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Dorchester, where guests were welcomed with a visual feast of meadow aisles and enchanting altar and large pedestals. One entrance adorned with whimsical gate designs, large pedestals stood proudly at another entrance.
Photographer: Steph Newton Photography
Planner: Bellissimo Weddings
Venue: Came House
The celebration continued at Came House, a stunning venue that perfectly complemented the day's theme. The reception was a breathtaking affair, featuring tall hourglass stands and glittering candles that cast a soft, inviting glow.
Despite the unyielding rain, the atmosphere inside was warm and inviting, capturing the essence of K & T's vision for a wedding that seamlessly blended elegance with the natural beauty of its surroundings. Steph Newton Photography artfully documented every moment, capturing the intimate glances and joyous laughter that punctuated the day.
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