The 5 Most Common Wedding Flower Mistakes

November 21, 2023

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Caroline & Antonia x

For many, planning the perfect wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime dream. The dress, the venue, the cake, and of course, the flowers, all come together to create a day that’s not just memorable but downright magical. When it comes to the wedding aesthetic, flowers play a crucial role. They have the power to transform mundane spaces into romantic wonderlands and to add a touch of beauty to every moment and picture captured. However, navigating the intricate world of wedding flowers can lead even the savviest couple down the garden path of common mistakes.

1. Ignoring Seasonality

There’s a reason why certain flowers are associated with particular times of the year. Peonies may be the darling of late Spring weddings, just as amaryllis sings the song of winter nuptials. Ignoring the natural seasons of flowers can lead to disappointment at best and astronomical costs at worst. To combat this, work closely with your florist and consider alternative blooms that are in season and will suit the aesthetic you’re after. Seasonal blossoms not only save you money but also guarantee fresher, longer-lasting floral experiences on your big day.

2. Paying Too Much Attention to Trends

Wedding trends can be as fickle as the weather and there’s nothing worse than looking back at your wedding photos and cringing at what was ‘in’ at the time. Trends are great for inspiration, but ensure your wedding’s floral design reflects your personal style and the theme of the event. Opt for timeless over trendy, blending the classic with the contemporary to create a look that will stand the test of time.

3. Unrealistic Expectations for Budget

When it comes to weddings, flowers can take a significant portion of the budget. Set realistic expectations around what you can afford and be upfront with your florist. With this, they can guide you to flower choices, arrangements, and designs that are both beautiful and within your budget. Remember, the right florist will work with you, not just for you, to create a vision that is both stunning and cost-effective.

4. Too Little Everywhere

Spreading your floral budget too thin can result in a lackluster floral presence. It’s far more impactful to have a few key areas that are heavily decorated, like the altar, the entrance. or reception tables, rather than trying to have a little bit of everything everywhere. This strategic approach allows for focal points in your wedding decor that are both budget-friendly and breathtaking.

5. Abandoning Sustainability

Honoring the environment is increasingly a priority for many couples. Unfortunately, not all florists are as eco-conscious. A common floral mistake is to overlook the sourcing and materials used, such as the highly debated floral foam, in the pursuit of a dreamy display. Instead, choose a florist who is committed to sustainable practices, utilizing biodegradable elements, metal-work and water in their designs. A sustainable approach to your wedding flowers can be just as beautiful and certainly more guilt-free.

Avoiding these Wedding Flower Mistakes

A brilliant wedding florist will lead your through your design options, and ensure you avoid these 5 wedding flower mistakes. Wedding flowers have the potential to transform and elevate your special day, but these delicate choices can wilt under the strain of avoidable mistakes. By staying informed, working with the season, sticking to a budget, and choosing timeless elegance over fleeting trends, you can ensure your wedding blooms are as resilient and radiant as the love they celebrate. Please do get in touch if you would like to chat about your wedding flowers further.

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