the fp journal

 Join us for monthly ramblings on all things flowers and wedding advice, peppered with some great places to visit in the South-West. 

hamswell house wedding florist
open post

Wedding planning is an exhilarating quest where each decision paints a stroke on the grand canvas of your special day. For those enchanted by the countryside’s allure and the charm of historical architecture, Hamswell House emerges as a gem nestled in the rolling hills of Bath. A venue where the past and present dance in […]


A Dream Wedding at Hamswell House: The Perfect Marquee Venue Near Bath


January 17, 2023

parish house wedding florist
open post

Picture a marquee wedding venue that combines the charm of historic architecture with the breath-taking beauty of Somerset’s rolling hills. Parish House is that fairy-tale setting where every couple can celebrate their love amidst mesmerising views and picture-perfect backdrops. A Glimpse into Parish House Nestled in the picturesque countryside, Parish House offers a rich tapestry […]


The Magic of Parish House: An Idyllic Marquee Venue near Bath


December 2, 2022

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